The 1% For Education fund

“Together, we can give children every chance of succeeding and to become actors for a better world.”

We consider Education to be the key to everything. It opens the door to autonomy and personal fulfilment. It nourishes freedom of thought and the struggle against ignorance and suppression. It fights poverty and gives children the means to invent technical, societal and environmental solutions to build the world of tomorrow.

This is why we want to contribute to a world where children have access to quality education and become pioneers of their future, regardless of location or living conditions, and regardless of gender or origin.

1% For Education is a fund for the children of the entire world. It provides financial and human support to associations with projects that respond to educational challenges.

Our mission

We support and work with charities projects that promote education, based on the following criteria:


Ensuring access to quality education for all children

  • Facilitating access to school regardless of location, disabilities or origin of the child
  • Equipping for learning so that every child can attend school under the best conditions
  • Fighting against school dropouts to ensure education continues to completion


Developing the talents of children, enabling them to change the world

  • Promoting creativity in all its forms
  • Helping children discover themselves and bringing out their talents
  • Supporting innovative educational projects and new forms of education

The origin

The 1% For Education endowment fund was established in 2021 within Maped, a French family business based in Annecy (Haute-Savoie, France).

As a Company, Maped has set itself the mission of “empowering children to change the world with their hands”. It therefore positions itself as being a world leader in school supplies with the benefit of action for society that is meaningful and unifies its teams.

To help Maped achieve this mission, the company decided to create the 1% For Education endowment fund and to give time to its employees to set up and progress its action. This initiative allows Maped to internationally demonstrate its products and its reputation, as well as bringing education to as many children as possible.

The birth of the fund

“Our activity and our international roots bring us to the forefront of the educational crisis and the needs of children around the world. This is what prompted our commitment and the definition of a corporate social mission that promotes Education.

We have worked with associations in this sector for many years, through the initiatives of our employees and product donations; with the 1% For Education fund, we now want to give ourselves greater financial and human resources to intensify our international fight to promote education for all.

Maped, like the other companies and brands that will join the fund, donates one percent of the price of each supporting product sold worldwide to the 1% For Education fund.

The amounts collected are donated entirely to a network of associations selected and approved by the fund, in France and abroad, according to their type of commitment to public interest, and the effectiveness of their work in benefiting access to education, the quality of learning and the enhancement of the potential of children.”

Antoine Lacroix, Managing Director of the Maped Group & Founder of the 1% For Education fund


How does it work?

The financing of the 1% For Education fund is based on the collection of 1% of the net turnover invoiced from all or part of the products and services sold by its sponsoring companies.

This principle, transparent and explicit, makes it possible to convert the economic performance of a company into societal and civic performance.





Our ambitions

  • To have donated more than €500,000 to charities around the world by 2025
  • To increase our international action, through projects financed in more than 20 countries by 2025
  • To federate other corporate sponsors who share our values and convictions in promoting the cause of education

The selection committee

The selection committee consists of Maped employees, who meet twice a year to select the charities and projects that will be supported by the fund.

The members of the selection committee are constantly on the lookout for innovative and ambitious projects that meet their passions for education, and they are also in charge of constructing cooperation with partner associations that will make it possible to engage the employees of sponsoring companies.

Are you a charity implementing one or more educational projects to aid young people between 3 and 14 years old? Contact us.

Our governance

Managing Director of Maped
Antoine Lacroix
Antoine Lacroix
CEO Maped
Romain Lacroix
Romain Lacroix
Responsable engagement sociétal Maped
Alexandre Bourcet
Alexandre Bourcet

With the desire to respond to educational challenges, external respected persons from the associative and educational world will join our governance.

Contact us

Would you like to submit a project, help fund projects, or simply send us a question or comment?

Write to us