Action realized with: La Forêt des Lucioles
Strongly inspired by the Forest Schools movement, schools where children spend part of their time in the forest, the “Forêt des Lucioles” (the “Fireflies school”) was born in Annecy in 2018.
Each year, it welcomes 25 children from CP to CM2, including 4 to 6 scholarship students financed by the association to promote social diversity.
This school develops an innovative pedagogy based on the Education Nationale curriculum, like all French schools. Particular attention is paid to “fundamental” learning: reading, writing and arithmetic. Alongside these classic academic skills, the 3 teachers give pride of place to other skills that are just as fundamental to the school’s pedagogical program: the ability to cooperate, creativity, caring for others and nature!
The school’s aim is to demonstrate that nature-based schooling can make a difference, particularly in terms of students’ ability to concentrate and their motivation to learn.
After the first 5 years of experimentation, several pupils have successfully integrated mainstream secondary education.
The school is now looking to extend its innovative curriculum with a middle school. It will enable children to study in contact with nature from CP to 3e.
The 1% For Education Fund is proud to support this innovative and inspiring project.
The program includes two days out in nature, to play, create and learn, whatever the weather.
Emotional, relational, artistic or physical, children cooperate and learn from others and from themselves.
A strong emphasis is placed on projects that give free rein to children's creativity.